New year . . addendum

Hey all . . this post is a follow on from my last article where I discussed schedule and boundaries.

Re-reading the post, I have a clear definition of what I need to do with my exercise. Run and do some strength training exercises every day, that simple.

My work and my writing are not clear and to make improvements my resolutions need to be actionable.

Over the past 18 months, I allowed myself to become disconnected from my interests of sustainability, personal growth, and entrepreneurship.

These interests were integrated with what I was reading, writing, and actively pursuing. My ideas were developing as I continued to pursue my interests.

I knew going all in on my new job, my interests would fall by the wayside for a while. I envisaged this as a pause. But because I was not progressing, I was regressing.

This came as a shock, but one I am starting to accept. However, to make progress, I must re-affirm my goals.

  • Write to focus on sustainability and entrepreneurship with the goal of developing my ideas into a business plan.
  • To write creatively through learning more about literature and developing a creative writing practice.
  • To realize my previous physical fitness and to run another marathon beating my personal best.

For the past few weeks, I have been suffering from an abundance of choice that was not there 18 months ago.

There is a freedom that comes along with limiting these choices and I need to trust where I was before and pick my goals back up.

Therefore, I am going to set some firm goals around these three interests to channel my thoughts and actions in the right direction.

  • Minimum one blog article per month on the topic of entrepreneurship or sustainability.
  • To read at least 1 fiction book a month and to practice writing creatively once a week.
  • Run every day and continue to strength train with the goal of running 10km by March.

I cannot fear pushing along these paths for worry that they will not lead anywhere or start conflicting with each other.

Oftentimes I have been guilty of this, stopping one activity because I was afraid it would detract from my new shiny goal with no reward at the end of it.

Also, I have learned the lesson of going all in on one thing for an extended period. Outside of that one thing, you lose who you are, and it takes effort to rediscover that.